Home of the famous CORSICA LOAF™
The secret's in the ... oil
We're often asked, what's the best part of our jobs. While it's hard to pick from so many rewarding aspects of owning the bakery and meeting so many friends, we'd have to say the most favorite thing is watching someone taste our famous CORSICA LOAF™ for the first time.
There's nothing like seeing the expression on their faces as they enjoy the wonderful goodness of our custom french bread infused with olive oil. We use a special stone-oven high-temperature baking process of DCB French dough within a bath of our custom blend of olive oils and sesame seeds. The original CORSICA LOAF™ and subsequent collective brand has truly become synonymous with name Door County Bakery, and is most assuredly the "flagship" of our establishment.
There's nothing like seeing the expression on their faces as they enjoy the wonderful goodness of our custom french bread infused with olive oil. We use a special stone-oven high-temperature baking process of DCB French dough within a bath of our custom blend of olive oils and sesame seeds. The original CORSICA LOAF™ and subsequent collective brand has truly become synonymous with name Door County Bakery, and is most assuredly the "flagship" of our establishment.
A marriage of French bread and our own blend of olive oils and sesame seeds
![]() Named after the island of Corsica, this culinary classic was created by the Door County Bakery. An evolution of our European-style Stone Oven Breads™, CORSICA LOAF™ is a marriage of French bread dough with a stone-oven baking process which incorporates our own blend of olive oils and sesame seeds.
Here's the story In 1969, Don was in school in Strasbourg, France, where he initially became fond of and fascinated with real French bread, the baguette. He Learned that generally, throughout Europe, the professional bread-baker sees to it that the yeast in the bread dough is given a fermentation time of at least 18-20 hours before beginning the bake. In effect, this greatly helps to break down the gluten fibers in the flour, and to develop enhanced robust flavor in the finished bread. Here in the States, we often tend to produce bread with no more than a 1-to-3 hours fermentation of the dough, and as a result, we frequently struggle with gluten-related health issues, and accept compromised quality in bread flavors, as well. At The Door County Bakery, LLC, one of our cornerstone principals has always been to fully engage to the best of our ability the traditions of European scratch-baking. In 2001, based on the foundation of our own well-fermented French dough, came the development of our now nationally known and trademarked CORSICA LOAF™ . Infused with olive oil We actually infuse the bread with olive oil, creating a "to die for" taste and a texture that's light but firm. You'll want to keep a napkin handy! This is a truly unique loaf with exceptional texture and "one bite leads to another" flavor. It's an evolution that's become a revolution! Yes, we're constantly asked, "How do you do it?" No, we're not saying. |
Yes, we're constantly asked, "How do you do it?" No, we're not saying.
We'll ship our famous CORSICA LOAF™ right to your home. Call us today to place your order: 920.854.1137
CORSICA STIX™ - We “docker down” the Corsica Loaf™ before it goes into the Stone Oven, then slice it up with Samurai Swords and roast the golden morsels! Learn more here. |